On-Site Audit Breakdown

What to Expect

  • Photos are an essential part of the audit process as part of documenting the home and the improvement process. These images will not be shared with anyone other than Eco Energy of NY, necessary subsidy/incentive organizations, and necessary participating contractors.
  • The auditor will need access to all areas of the home, specifically the CAZ (where your furnace/boiler/water heater are), kitchen, attic, basement or belly, and any rooms of concern.
  • Mechanical systems will be turned off and on as necessary during the audit. Fireplaces will need to be extinguished with the coals and ash removed.

Testing Components

  • Blower Door Testing
    • This is an efficiency test to measure how efficiently your home is sealed to the outside.
    • A Blower fan and Blower Door Frame are used to depressurize the home, which allows the auditor to find leaks around windows, doors, attic accesses, and basements.
  • Spillage Testing
    • This is a safety test to measure whether or not combustion gases are being exhausted properly.
    • A Mirror or Smoke Stick may be used around the mouth of the exhaust to confirm any draft pooling back into the CAZ.
  • CAZ Testing
    • This is an efficiency and safety test to measure the efficiency at which combustion appliances use their fuel to heat your home, how efficiently it exhausts the byproducts of fuel consumption, and how safe your Combustion Appliance Zone is
    • A Manometer will be used to measure the depressurization of your home in the worst case scenario (if all your systems were being used and venting at the same time), which helps us distinguish the safety of the zone as well as how sealed the CAZ is.
    • Combustion Analyzer will be used to measure combustion gas concentration, stack temperature, and efficiency rating.